Frequently asked questions
What are NOOGA TAXI's operating hours?
NOOGA TAXI offers 24/7 reservation service and for immediate pickup service will depend on current driver availability.
How can I book a ride with NOOGA TAXI?
You can easily book a ride by calling our dispatch line or you can book through our online booking or mobile app. links available on our homepage.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, debit/credit cards backed by (american express, mastercard, visa, discover, cashapp, zelle, venmo and invoice billing). Any transactions over $50 will require a card on file to complete the booking (some exceptions apply to pay with cash over $50)
Does NOOGA TAXI offer airport transfer services?
Yes, we provide convenient airport transportation services to and from major airports in the tri state area. Chattanooga Airport, Wilson Air, Knoxville airport, Nashville Airport, Atlanta Airport, Huntsville Airport, Birmingham Airport, Montgomery Airport
Are NOOGA TAXI drivers licensed?
All our drivers are licensed by the City of Chattanooga
Can we retain a taxi for our event or business?
Yes! We have a retaining price which will get you a dedicated taxi for your location whether it be a party, wedding or hotel.
My account/address is suspended! How can I re-activate my account/address?
You can re-activate your account by emailing us at [email protected]. Management will reach out to discuss why your account or address is suspended and next steps to re-activation.
How early should I schedule my pickup for to be on time for my departing flight?
We advise to be at the Chattanooga Airport with checked bags (1 1/12 hours prior to departure time) with carry on only (1 hour prior to departure time). All other airports (2-3 hours prior to departure time)
Can you call me If I have an international phone number?
YES! you can call in, we can call you and we send texts to international numbers aswell.
Do you accepts cash for payment?
Absolutley! We accept cash but you must call dispatch for cash bookings as all of our online booking options require a debit/credit card.
Can I book a ride for a friend, family or a stranger ?
Of course! just as a warning though you may be on the hook for the cost of the trip and or damage that the passenger causes.
Who regulates the taxis in Chattanooga, Tenessee?
The City of Chattanooga only regulates taxi operation within the Chattanooga City limits. which includes saftey standards, pricing, insurance verifications, licensing of drivers, vehicles and buisness. We extend these standards beyond the city limits except for our pricing will depend on what county or city you are getting picked up in.
We operate in accordance with the Chattanooga City Code Chapter 35;
Article I,II and III; Section 35-61
Does the City of Chattanooga have a taxi regulatory board?
Yes! They convene every first thursday of every month depending on a full corum. All are welcom to join!
Do you allow pet travel?
We do! All pets must be in a traveling kennel; $20 FEE for no kennel; no fee for qualified service animals that assisst the passenger with a physical function. If you have a service animal that does not perform a trained assistance in physical funciton for the passenger, the pet must be well groomed and well behaved like trained service animals behave.
Will my estimated price differ from the original quote?
Yes! Changing your pickup, drop off or adding an additional stop and when the car is stopped/idling. Your estimate may not include wait time.
Will you still give me a ride if I'm extremely drunk?
Yes! but just know that we reserve the right to refuse or discharge any intoxicated passengers (T.C.A. 65-20-105)
What happens when I get sick in the car?
A cleaning fee of up to $200 will be assessed to any passenger that causes damages to the interior or exterior of the
vehicle. Please alert driver to stop immediately to avoid any such accident inside motor vehicle. Please show good
prudence when it comes to the cleanliness of vehicles as we assist many in their travels.
Can I get a taxi if I am under the age of 18 years old?
No, you must be accompanied by your family or legal guardian over the age of 18
Do I need a booster seat or car seat for my children?
Yes of course! our baby seat and booster policy is as follows, 1-3 years old car seat, 4-8 years old booster seat in accordance with T.C.A. 55-9-602